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The Ultimate Guide to the Afterburn Effect

01.06. 2021

During practically every activity, from yoga to sleeping, energy is always required. After a hard workout, calorie consumption is even higher, but that's nothing new. The harder you work, the more you burn. Now you burn calories not only during, but also after the workout (this effect is called the afterburn effect).

What is the afterburn effect?

The afterburn effect is simply an additional energy expenditure that occurs after exercise. The afterburn effect occurs due to excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), where your body recovers in a certain period of time. (Repair muscle damage, replenish ATP, creatine and oxygen storage). All of these processes require oxygen, which is why oxygen consumption increases after exercise. This requires additional energy; therefore, calories are also burned after exercise. Do you have any questions regarding the process of the afterburn effect? At Clever fit Karolina, our staff is always at your disposal.


The intensity is crucial

Intensity is very important when it comes to the afterburn effect. The best way to benefit from it, is the HIIT training. In addition, tempo runs, and interval training are excellent ways to achieve it.

Although HIIT is one of the most effective workouts for burning fat, the potential afterburn effect is only one piece of the puzzle. During an intense workout, your body produces more adrenaline and the human growth hormone HGH. The more muscle you have, the more calories are burned during rest. As you get fit, you also increase your VO2 max. This value indicates how efficiently your body uses oxygen during exercise.


Two different approaches to strength training: 

Traditional training (doing one exercise at a time) and superset training (doing different exercises in succession without rest). Both methods invoke the afterburn effect and boost metabolism over an hour after the workout. In general, exercises that target larger muscle groups (like squats or deadlifts) burn more calories after a workout than the more isolated alternatives. Keep rest periods long enough to maintain intensity levels during actual sets, then start again with the next set. 

Want good advice on this? Our trainers at Clever fit Karolina will be happy to advise you and help you achieve optimal results.